Are you going to participate in one of the European Bioblitzes?


During 'Biodiversity Week', we encourage you to investigate how our biodiversity is doing. Therefore, we selected 14 valuable Natura 2000 areas across Belgium (+ 2 in the surroundings of the Sonian Forest) where various partners work together to create more and better nature. Various plant and animal species are protected here. We invite you to go to (one of) the selected areas between May 18 and May 26, to observe different species and to record your observations. This can be done in two ways:

Or you go to and create an account there. You simply enter your observations and: congratulations! You have contributed in the Bioblitz.

Do you want to work even easier? Then download the 'Obsidentify' app on your mobile phone. Create an account and search for the National Biodiversity Challenge in the 'challenges' tab. Like the challenge and record your observation with a photo. If you made the observation in one of the selected Natura 2000 areas, it will be automatically added in the Bioblitz!

Let us discover the most biodiverse Natura 2000 area together!

Click here to go directly to the Bioblitz page on

Click here to download the Obsidentify app. 

In these Belgian Natura 2000-areas, there is a Bioblitz during Biodiversity Week. Want to get to know more about one of these areas or the species that can be seen there? Click on one of the areas for more information and inspiration.