The Walloon B4B-Day was held on 7 November at the Citadelle in Dinant.
It was under a beautiful autumn sun that the sixty or so people in Wallonia working wholly or partly to achieve the objectives of the B4B project met in this historic and heritage site, in the presence of Tom Andries and Rieke Lenaert, from the national coordination team of the Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos (ANB). The aim of the day was twofold: to give an overview of the project to the people involved in the various Walloon initiatives, and to enable the agents from the various organisations to meet and exchange views on the issues addressed by the B4B, and ... on everything else!
The morning was given over to an exhaustive presentation of the B4B actions carried out jointly by the Walloon partners:
- the Direction de la Nature et des Espaces Verts (DNEV), of the Département Nature et Forêt (DNF) of the Service Public de Wallonie (SPW). It is at the heart of preserving and restoring biodiversity in Wallonia, within the DNF, which, among other things, draws up, implements and monitors policies and regulations on forests, nature conservation, nature parks, hunting and fishing. In B4B, the DNEV is responsible for regional coordination of the project, administrative aspects and actions relating to governance (Walloon Region Coordinator ad interim: Eric Joiris) ;
- the Nature and Water Directorate (DNE) of SPW's Department for the Study of the Natural and Agricultural Environment (DEMNA). The DNE is the scientific custodian of Nature and Biodiversity within DEMNA, which draws up and coordinates all programmes for the acquisition, validation, enhancement and dissemination of socio-economic and environmental data in the fields of agriculture and the environment. The DNE's role in the B4B concerns the scientific aspects, mapping and drafting of action plans for Natura 2000 species and habitats or those of heritage interest (Eva Jeanbaptiste: coordination of action plans, Marie Mondry: coordination of points relating to Natura 2000 and RNs, Maxime Séleck: coordination of the development of new projects, etc.).
- Natagriwal asbl, an association that advises and supports farmers, foresters and landowners on agri-environmental and climate programmes. In B4B, Natagriwal is responsible for the practical implementation of actions on the ground, in particular through agri-environmental and climate measures (MAEC), communication and the promotion of Natura 2000 (Natagriwal coordination : Kathleen Merkens, temporarily replaced by Pierre Raulier);
- Natagora asbl, an environmental protection association active in Wallonia and Brussels, aims to redevelop biodiversity by working in four areas : the study of biodiversity, nature conservation, public involvement and education. In B4B, Natagora is mainly involved in drawing up and implementing action plans for certain Natura 2000 species and habitats or those of heritage interest (Natagora coordination : Anne Wiesherbs).
The afternoon was devoted to a tour of the Natura 2000 sites surrounding the Dinant Citadel, led by Ms Debruxelles and Mr Snoeck, from the DNF Dinant Cantonnement, and Ms Lecuivre from Natagora. The guided tour addressed the issue of Natura 2000 zones in urban areas, with particular management problems and points for attention : the backs of private houses, the safety of neighbours (steep slopes), domestic animals, the invasion of garden plants (lilacs, etc.), and the disappearance of limestone lawns due to lack of maintenance.
This first day of Walloon B4B networking gave the various participants an overview of the Walloon actions of the LIFE B4B project, an opportunity to meet or meet again and to have fruitful discussions on the theme of the day.
Many thanks to all!